The written word about a place when I'm traveling is helpful, but never pictures because I don't want to be influenced by already photographed scenes. I never run out of ideas when I travel because I'm always looking. In general, I look at any art but photography.

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Actually I do none of that. Sure I read a lot of newsletters from Substacker(-photographer)s, occasionally watch youtube video's, visit personal websites, but I don't really take notes. I do keep newsletters that have useful information though, but they are more for 'later', not when I'm out doing photography.

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Yes! Notes is also my go-to capture tool for inspiration and everything else in between. Thanks for sharing!

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I just screen shot stuff I find inspiring.

I will also pull out the old pen and paper and write notes.

Yup; on the back of envelopes.

Yes I drag those envelopes with me when I travel, or relocate. Also posts notes galore are stuck on said envelopes too. Handwritten notes go back over a decade. Scary huh?

I am thinking about making a zine from all those notes !

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Just became a subscriber and am already a big fan!

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